Thank you for being someone whom I can confide in when I need someone to listen to (Or rather when I need someone to read what I have typed in our watsapp group chat).
Thank you for being the one whom I can trust to keep my secrets with.
Thank you for being sincere, truthful and encouraging always during this past 6 years and am sure many more years to come ! Parenting journey is never easy, thank you both for sharing your experiences and reads from books which I will never have the time to sit down and read.
Thank you for being non calculative towards each other (Among the three of us at least).
Thank you for being non competitive (among our kids) and always spurring each other on, spreading good vibes and encouragement on positive parenting.
Thank you for being accommodative each time ! We stayed pretty far from each other but we always make it a point to accommodate the best time and place to meet each other up once in a blue moon.
Thank you for being there although we know that we are all always busy with the kids, but we will reply to each other's messages whenever we are free to the extend in the wee hours when we wake for milking and pee. =p
Thank you for the thoughtfulness always and I thank you both for being there most of the time.
Apart from these two wonderful ladies, I have made quite a number of mummy friends on Facebook. I am thankful to a few other mummies as well. In fact, one of them, I have not met her before for the past 6 years, until this march. But she is one who makes an effort to keep this simple friendship going. We would chat on Facebook messenger, asking each other how we are doing. Thank you Anna.
To Adeline Yit-Ng & Jasmine, another two mummies whom I got to know in the forum as well, we hardly meet up but these two very nice mummies will drop me messages when they happened to read some on-goings happening to me or the kids. We did try to meet up recently but unable to get hold of everyone under unforeseen circumstances. Till the next time !
To Pearl, hardly we have time to chat. But thank you for your kind thoughts at all times. Busy as a bee most of the time but am deeply inspired by you to start keeping fit!
To my BBB (Buy.Buy.Buy) Network mummies group, the group name reflects it all. Our sharing of home learning, bento making, scrapbooking, shopping and online sprees. Thank you for sharing generously on where we could get the best deals anywhere ! We rant to each other as well ! Thanks for all your eyes to read all the messages. Thank you Irene, Amy and Lynn !
To my crafty friend, Renee. Thank you for jio-ing me for those wonderful classes when you can. Always there to divert off my attention when am a single mum. Though more often than not, I can't join you, but it was sure enjoyable to craft with you !
To another group of April mums ! Thank you for juicy gossips, shopping deals and of course not forgetting, ever ready to always help each other out. A group where I can talk about anything under the sun ! Thank you Erna, LM, Sharon, Joe & Yanti.
To Doris, you may not be from the April Mums group but thanks for the support you have rendered me at times. I can't feel thankful enough !
Our kids definitely have fun growing up with each other through these years and cheers to our friendship ! Am thankful to have all of you with me !
If you have been reading our posts, do follow us on Facebook and Instagram for future updates !
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And we have alil history here.. We moved from Jul'07 brides thread to Apr'08 babies haa..友情万岁! Specially dedicated this song to you, Serene :)
Truly it's wonderful to have close friends whom we can talk to, and help one another. :) I am so glad you found yours :)
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