Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Julia Gabriel Playclub ~ Trial

Today was Xavier's trial class at Julia Gabriel (Forum).

Timing is from 11.30am to 1.30pm, so I had to feed him early lunch at 10.45am instead of the usual 11.30pm.

This was how it goes... Freeplay while waiting for the rest of the classmates to arrive.

I did not know that today's theme was actually "red". But somehow coincidentally, I have dressed Xav up in a red shirt. At least it's not bad right, he still managed to blend into the theme.

"Time to deposit your name card into the post box !!"

Crafts is next after names were called. Today, the kids were taught to paint by using ice cubes and also using paint that is in powder form. Interesting heh !

And painting his very own lantern !

Adding in the sequins and red shiny glitters !

After which, it's snack time ! Kids are taught to say more please and thank you ! Here's Xav enjoying the sausages and cornflakes!

And he learnt to put the empty plates onto the other tables with my help. Great job, Xavier !

It's outdoor fun next ! And Xav went for his favourite cars !! Makes me wonder if I should get him one for his birthday pressie this year ! Busy Xavier.... Beep beep !!! Make way !!

And the singing session comes in...

Observing how the teachers are dancing before he starts......

Got distracted halfway ...... As he still cannot forget about the cars out there!!

Back to the group and rejoined into the songs and dances.

Somehow I got a feeling that he enjoys himself more at Act 3 or prob he was simply just tired.

He knocked out after the class not long after and slept till 4.10 pm which he hardly can do it when he's out with me.

While he was sleeping, I went for my tea break at coffee club. And there he woke, with a bowl of creamy mushroom soup for him.

And look how he enjoyed my peach smoothie !!

Nice !!

Met daddy for a walk in Chinatown and we went for our dinner at Hongkong Cafe @ Citysquare.

This little nottie boy had no appetite for his dinner... Ended up having fun playing with his daddy's face !! Guess what has made him laughed so happily ???

A great hug from daddy !

And stealing some treats from our tea... Aloe Vera !!

Shiokness ......

Ended the day with daddy putting him to zzzzz and get ready for the drama class tomorrow !! Mummy's off to bed too ! Oyasuminasai !

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