Our little cupcake has turned 1 ! It's another milestone ! More squeals & more fun as she steps into the One-derful toddlerhood.
One year ago, it was just so amazing and at the same time, I can't help but rolled down drops of happiness from my eyes when I welcomed her in my arms ! (Read Vera's birth story
New chick in the house |
She has been a joy to us, showering us with her funny faces, smiles and giggles always !
@ 1 month old |
Falling in love with her smile @ 2 months old |
She is still as challenging, with her very persistently stubborn character. At 2 months old, she was on bottle strike for months, refusing almost all the different kind of bottles I bought for her. You name it, I have it except for Dr Brown ......
In her third month, she recognised my phone cover whenever I want to take pictures of her, she would then gave me her brightest smile.
My smiling angel @ 3 months old |
Making her BOLD Statement at 4 months as her hair fall was pretty bad, plus on top of it, she has been pulling off her own hair by the sides. Till you could see the sides "balding."
Her 1st Christmas with us @ 5 months
Vera was pretty good ! She watched the movie with excitement (she was all eyes on the screen.) Thereafter, she fell asleep all the way till the movie ended.
Caught her 1st movie @ 6 months |
Her hair grew just in time for her 1st CNY with us @ 6 months old |
I named this pic below "My fortune cat".
The jovial Vera @ 7 months old
She was still in the boh-geh (toothless) club @ 8 months. But who cares ! She loves the baby puffs which could melt in her mouth ! I used the puffs to train her fine motor skills. She could use her pincer grip pretty well.
Spot that puff ! @ 8 months old |
At 11 months, she was officially sleeping through the night. Vera was weaned off from breastfeeding as well before I left for my trip to Salt Lake City. Credit goes to daddy who supported me along side to wean her off and trained her to sleep through when am not around.
At 11 months old, this is what she liked to do ! She loved to chew on papers , rubber textured objects. Liked to pull things out as well. See that stash of tissue papers around her, that was her doing and with that pair of innocent looking eyes, how could I bear to be angry with her ! By the way, she is famous among my friends for her MOB !
Creating "snow" at 11 months |
Just the nice height to fit under the chair ! |
@ 11 months old, she is now taking cereal for breakfast, normally milk intake of 240ml, or half a bowl of cereal with 180 ml of milk >>> porridge for lunch (one meat + one veg) >>> milk intake of 240ml (4 hrs later) >>> porridge for dinner >>> last feed at 9.30pm before she goes to bed.
I have weaned her off breastfeeding and she is trained to sleep through the night, so what is coming up next will be drinking from the straw. Hoping that she picks up the skill soon before we leave for our trip to Taiwan in September.
Our baby turns ONE ! We thank you for showering her with your blessings. She is deeply loved and blessed.
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