Here's a new milestone for Xav ! Goodbye to the Terrible 2 stage as he steps into his TERRIFIC 3 ! Happy Birthday, Xav !! Have plannned a Mickey Mouse Theme Party for him this year as he was kind of into Mickey's craze. Guess what ! He was really excited and looking forward to his party ! Almost everyday he has been bugging me for his Mickey Mouse Cake and telling me that his party is on Saturday !

Due to space constraint @ home, I have scaled down the list for the invited guests. I mainly invited his closer friends, no daddy and mummy's friends. Highlight of this yr's home party was the huge Mickey and Minnie Airwalkers ! We were seriously excited over it ! Thanks Jo for helping to collect the mice and the cake.

Adding a touch of red and black to the party theme.

On top of that, I ordered Mickey Mouse Design Polariod films from Christopher to give away as a keepsake for the little guests !

Thank you Rebecca for being the Polariod photographer and Christopher for sending the films all the way down for us ! For me, I made some embossed cards to hold the pictures before giving them to the guests.

As for party packs, I wanted more fun this year since most of the todds have started school. I packed Crayola Pip Squeakers, cryaons, Mini Stamper, Play dough, stationery and some fun stickers, with a Mickey Headband, one scratch fun sheet and two packs of snacks ! I always believe that less junk food is better, most of the time, I hardly allow Xav to snack ! So if I dont give Junk to my boy, I wont give it to other kids too !

The party began !! Xav seriously loved the airwalkers as much as the todds ! He was playing with them for days after his party ! His new found dancing partners !

All the kids were instantly attracted to the cake ! It's really a sight to see them crowd around it and singing the birthday song together !

We were happy to hear that the kids love the party packs and had enjoyed themselves that evening ! We would like to thank all of you who have graced this special moment with your presence, blessings and gifts !
The first change before Xav turns 3 was, he is now officially a preschooler ! He has started school 2 days before his birthday !
On the eve of Xav's birthday, dear bought him a mini Percy Cake to celebrate at home for he has got to work on the next day.

We wish our precious here again a Happy 3rd Birthday and be always bless with good health !!
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