We went to have our breakfast before heading towards his school. Happy lil' Xavier !
They had a mini carnival with games stalls manned by parents volunteers. The kids can try their hands at some traditional kampong games such as Kuti Kuti, Chapteh, Pick up Sticks, Golie- golie and Tikam - Tikam.
Before joining in the games, Xavier had a good time @ the playground.. Here Xavier comes swinging ...... Weee ....
It is a 2 player game.
Each uses an animal-shaped token to flick on his or her opponent’s token.
The one who successfully flick its token on his or her opponent’s token, obtains the token.
Infomation on Capteh:
"Capteh" is patios for shuttlecock. Colourful feathers are attached to a rubber or plastic base. The idea of the game is to keep the shuttlecock airborne for as long as possible by kicking it.
The team which scores the most number of kicks after all the players have had their turns, wins the game.
Information on Pick up sticks:
It is a very simple game featuring 2 players, whose aim is to pick up sticks and not touch other sticks whilist picking them up.
Information on golie-golie:
Marbles can be played in many different ways. In many of the ways, the winner gets to keep the marbles he has acquired through the game. This was very popular last time, as it meant hours of fun because of the variations of game play that could come with it. Also, children would feel excited buying marbles to get one of the opponents’ one that they fancy.
Here's Xavier wanting to try his hands at the game but then at the same time doesn't want to throw the marble !
After the carnival, brought him to Bugis to meet Jo and Little Edna ! While waiting, Xav had his remaining lunch, and of course sometimes need to entertain the little prince to make him happier when he eats.. hahahah ... Think I'm spoiling him silly!
But I love to see his smiles ...
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