We went for an early celebration for Father's Day on friday to avoid the crowd on weekend.
Before that, we brought Xav for a swim in the morning. Here's like a little adult in these two pics.

He got new tricks again. This time round, he kept wanting to try to drink the water in the pool. Funny fellow

Satisfied try ...

And I caught this cheeky expression.

No wonder X bites ... hahhahaha ...

We went to BBQ Chicken @ Downtown East. Here's Xavier waiting for us to place our orders.

He's up to no good again ..
Recently, he has a habit at restaurants and that is putting the menu over his head and play peek a boo with me. Something that he associates the parachute and the blanket over his head. Can be quite a funny sight !

The feast starts !!

I had always imagine Xavier carrying his drinking bottle. That day, I sling over him and he walked like a little student !! hahahaha

" Thank you Yiyi for ordering mash potatoe for me"

But that very next morning on sat, Xavier started to run a fever and having bad cough (Those barking sound like the last time he had mild bronchitis). But can tell, it's worse this time.
Had a hard time making sure Xav doesn't go and peel off the cooling pad ..

He is forever so active even when he is sick.

and he knows .. When I say "Xav, ti-ti, take temperature .. He will automatically put the thermomter at his ear ! He could have got used to it already as we have to take several times a day.

On sunday night, Xav's temperature went as high as 39.1 degree cel. The following monday, we brought him to Dr Ong.
Dr Ong said he was wheezing and needed to be put on the neubaliser for three days, on ever 4 hourly. The first dosage done at the clinic, it was like ... ... battle.. He was screaming his lungs out! He feared the "monster" mask !
And he totally did not want me at all after the session of a short 8 mins. He wanted dear dear to carry despite halfway through the process, dear was the one who held onto the mask on him.
Here's how we did it at home. We switched on the tv with his favourite show and sat him in his pram.

He struggled a bit initially. Slowly, he got used to it. I asked him to touch the mask after the session. He simple just shoved the "Monster" Mask away.

After the neubaliser session, he continued watching the remaining show in his pram.

And I placed him into the big paper bag !! hahaha.. Fits him just nice !

The walking paper bag... ...

After days of disturbed sleep .. Look at his eye bag ..

His fever is still here despite having been on antibiotics since monday. Hopefully, I can find out what is actually wrong with him when I bring him for review tomorrow.
It really pain my heart to see him for sick. Sometimes can leave us feeling so helpless. Hope Xavier recovers soon and in time for our anniversary trip !
Xav look so adorable in the pool and at the restaurant. Will pray for him that he'll recover fully soon. When they fall ill, the parents wish we can take their place don't we? Your anniversary's coming up too? Congrats! We just celebrated ours last week :) Happy Anniversary!
Dana's Mummy and daddy: Oh.. our anniversary about two weeks apart =) Happy anniversary to you too !
Thanks for your prayers :)
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