Saturday, April 30, 2016

A Week In The Life Of An Essentially spOILed Mom Blogger

Previously, I had a post on "Day in A Life: My Typical Friday". Nothing much changes for the daily routine except that:
- I was running #DOTS (Descendants Of The Sun) fever for weeks at night! Finally, I managed to catch up on the three special edition this week.
- I have to bring the boy for an additional session for his swim class on Tuesdays and of course to shout HURRAY because I have finally FREE UP Friday evenings! Meaning to say, I can bring the kids out for fun after school because there is no more class in the evening and we can stay out a little later as there is no school the next day and weekends are purely for play except for having to swim on Sunday mornings.

I am one who do not believe in pushing my kids for all sorts of enrichment and tuition if I see that he can cope well with his work. Since he has completed his creative writing course, I decided to put a stop to it and focus on his Chinese instead. Hence, he is attending Chinese Enrichment on Thursday evenings.

The past week have been a little over whelming. I put on the red cape and the hats for those multiple roles. I was on solo parenting shift for a few days. On productive days, I managed to cook a simple lunch and a soup to go with, before Vera woke.

It's not on a daily basis, where I can do activities with her in the mornings.  She began to take it better with puzzles. She used to run away from it previously.  I try as much as possible to engage her as she may be attending school soon.

Puzzle Time

Being artistic

Dot a Dot with my Distress Dabbers

Fine motor skills training with the leftover stickers

Time flew exceptionally fast for the first half of the day. I had to make sure she has been fed before we went off to pick Xav. But the weather has been ridiculously hot for this period. It's really kind of draining for myself to hand carry her to and fro for the whole journey and hard on her scratchy, weeping skin !

My hands were totally kept busy with all the creams and blends to tackle her itch. If this is helpful, I have shared on her second eczema flare on what worked at that point of time and the diet to watch out for.

Where's the bus ?
Revision time with Xav can be tricky at times as I need to put Vera to bed for her nap. Sometimes, he would have to do his assigned work on his own. But on good days, I aimed to sit down and go through a Chinese book review together with him.

Most of you would have know that I am running my own oily business. Apart from "working" on my mobile, answering to the team's questions, I would also need to squeeze out some time to do some reading up if time permits to pass on the knowledge of other topics and not just about essential oils, attend online learning sessions and if there are request, I would join in my oiling buddy to run a roadshow in schools too and we just did one this week to end the month of April. Always so fun to meet new people and talk about how it can be used in natural healing. #LivingAboveTheLine

This is my typical week ! So what keeps this blog going? I have to say that my review opportunities or giveaways may not be as much as compared to the more popular parenting blogs. But I have to emphasise that this blog is meant for my kids, all the review opportunities and media invites that came along as a bonus and am thankful for those opportunities to share my voice.

Blogging can be VERY time consuming so as to select the best pictures and edit them when necessary but I aim to :
- document down memories of the growing milestones of the kids so that they can read when they grow up,

- document down home-learning activities which I did with them so that I / they can fall back on what they can do with their kids in the future (thinking a little too far, I know),

- document down celebration of special occasions with the family for fear that I may lose my memory one day,

- document down recipes of quickfix or home-cooked goodness that were served on my table for the  family for my own reference and sharing for busy mums,

- document down "The Chuas Travalogue" to keep those beautiful memories digitally so that we can access to these memories with a click of the mouse,

- document down places which are fun to go with the family for some family bonding time. Be it whether if I paid for the activities or a media invite. It's always nice to share where the fun places are !

If time permits, I will try to document down whatever and whenever I can but there are times whereby I have no time and you did not get to see any posting from me for a week or two. Am still around, just that the primary priorities (Kids and family) come first.

Blogging is secondary but what kept me going are the encouraging private pms in my facebook messenger, emails and watsapp messages from friends and readers who thank me for the sharing or when they find a particular post being useful for them.

I am the last on the blog train, if you would like to take a glimpse of what the other 29 parent bloggers' typical week are like? Read on as this is part of a blog train by the Singapore Parent Bloggers to share about a week in the life as a Daddy/ Mom Blogger.

Thank you for reading and if you would like to stay tune for future updates, do follow me on Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram !

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