Saturday, April 30, 2016

A Week In The Life Of An Essentially spOILed Mom Blogger

Previously, I had a post on "Day in A Life: My Typical Friday". Nothing much changes for the daily routine except that:
- I was running #DOTS (Descendants Of The Sun) fever for weeks at night! Finally, I managed to catch up on the three special edition this week.
- I have to bring the boy for an additional session for his swim class on Tuesdays and of course to shout HURRAY because I have finally FREE UP Friday evenings! Meaning to say, I can bring the kids out for fun after school because there is no more class in the evening and we can stay out a little later as there is no school the next day and weekends are purely for play except for having to swim on Sunday mornings.

I am one who do not believe in pushing my kids for all sorts of enrichment and tuition if I see that he can cope well with his work. Since he has completed his creative writing course, I decided to put a stop to it and focus on his Chinese instead. Hence, he is attending Chinese Enrichment on Thursday evenings.

The past week have been a little over whelming. I put on the red cape and the hats for those multiple roles. I was on solo parenting shift for a few days. On productive days, I managed to cook a simple lunch and a soup to go with, before Vera woke.

It's not on a daily basis, where I can do activities with her in the mornings.  She began to take it better with puzzles. She used to run away from it previously.  I try as much as possible to engage her as she may be attending school soon.

Puzzle Time

Being artistic

Dot a Dot with my Distress Dabbers

Fine motor skills training with the leftover stickers

Time flew exceptionally fast for the first half of the day. I had to make sure she has been fed before we went off to pick Xav. But the weather has been ridiculously hot for this period. It's really kind of draining for myself to hand carry her to and fro for the whole journey and hard on her scratchy, weeping skin !

My hands were totally kept busy with all the creams and blends to tackle her itch. If this is helpful, I have shared on her second eczema flare on what worked at that point of time and the diet to watch out for.

Where's the bus ?
Revision time with Xav can be tricky at times as I need to put Vera to bed for her nap. Sometimes, he would have to do his assigned work on his own. But on good days, I aimed to sit down and go through a Chinese book review together with him.

Most of you would have know that I am running my own oily business. Apart from "working" on my mobile, answering to the team's questions, I would also need to squeeze out some time to do some reading up if time permits to pass on the knowledge of other topics and not just about essential oils, attend online learning sessions and if there are request, I would join in my oiling buddy to run a roadshow in schools too and we just did one this week to end the month of April. Always so fun to meet new people and talk about how it can be used in natural healing. #LivingAboveTheLine

This is my typical week ! So what keeps this blog going? I have to say that my review opportunities or giveaways may not be as much as compared to the more popular parenting blogs. But I have to emphasise that this blog is meant for my kids, all the review opportunities and media invites that came along as a bonus and am thankful for those opportunities to share my voice.

Blogging can be VERY time consuming so as to select the best pictures and edit them when necessary but I aim to :
- document down memories of the growing milestones of the kids so that they can read when they grow up,

- document down home-learning activities which I did with them so that I / they can fall back on what they can do with their kids in the future (thinking a little too far, I know),

- document down celebration of special occasions with the family for fear that I may lose my memory one day,

- document down recipes of quickfix or home-cooked goodness that were served on my table for the  family for my own reference and sharing for busy mums,

- document down "The Chuas Travalogue" to keep those beautiful memories digitally so that we can access to these memories with a click of the mouse,

- document down places which are fun to go with the family for some family bonding time. Be it whether if I paid for the activities or a media invite. It's always nice to share where the fun places are !

If time permits, I will try to document down whatever and whenever I can but there are times whereby I have no time and you did not get to see any posting from me for a week or two. Am still around, just that the primary priorities (Kids and family) come first.

Blogging is secondary but what kept me going are the encouraging private pms in my facebook messenger, emails and watsapp messages from friends and readers who thank me for the sharing or when they find a particular post being useful for them.

I am the last on the blog train, if you would like to take a glimpse of what the other 29 parent bloggers' typical week are like? Read on as this is part of a blog train by the Singapore Parent Bloggers to share about a week in the life as a Daddy/ Mom Blogger.

Thank you for reading and if you would like to stay tune for future updates, do follow me on Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram !

Monday, April 25, 2016

[Review] Active Hive's Makura Health and Neck Support Pillow

What is your preference for pillows? There were a few which I have tried since childhood till 2 years ago :

- Cotton (Hypoallergenic and soft but I remember I could fill the lumps when I using it during my childhood days.) Cotton tends to clump over time and I remembered my mum bought a big pack of cotton stuffing to stuff up the droopy pillow.

- Down (soft and luxurious feel just like those pillows used in hotels) . Probably this was the biggest mistake I made back then. It's not ideal at all to provide with the support and height. The down feathers at times poked through the case too. Just note that if you are an allergy sufferer and intend to get down pillows. It's actually not ideal unless the down has been processed correctly.

- Memory Foam (more expensive as compared to down pillow) It is heavier than down and I was told that it would contour itself closely to the shape and size of our head. I preferred the firmness of it. This has worked quite well but it did not last long. All my pillows ended up as extras for Don.

All the three type did not solve my stiff neck from acting up time to time. Hence, I decided to go pillow-less. For the two years, I was so used to sleeping without a pillow as I felt that the alignment of my head, neck and shoulders were so much better. I would say it's once in a blue moon that aching neck and shoulders would hit me.

I hope Agnes is not laughing at me when she reads this post because I told her no pillows worked on me, can she be sure that Active Hive's Makura Health and Neck Support Pillow solve my problem? To be frank, I lost hope and was doubtful about how Makura can help. She was very confident and told me to give this latest wonder product by Active Hive a try as it helps to align the neck and spine in the optimum angle, providing quality and uninterrupted sleep, serving to enhance the body’s processes, and essentially prevent any serious health conditions that may occur in the long term.

This is my overall review:
The very first time when  I rested my head on Makura pillow, I felt and liked that it was firm yet not too hard to sleep on. It gave me an instant feel that the capsules moved along with my head. I felt that it seemed to be giving my head a "massage"

After using for the first night, I felt that I had a much better sleep than the usual pillow-less nights. I believed that it was my sleeping posture too. I knew that I didn't wake to find the right position nor to adjust my head. Because when I woke, only then I realised that Vera had "squirmed" to the end of the bed , with her legs dangled by the edge without my knowing (usually I will be woken up by her movement).  I woke up feeling fresher and more energetic because I had better quality sleep. I am sure moms who wean off comfort latch at night can relate to this kind of feeling just like when I decided to wean off Xav when he was 9 months old off comfort latching at night so that bot of us could get better quality sleep at night.

The second day, I was taking a nap with Makura Pillow. Seriously, I wished that I would not need to wake up ! It was really comfortable. I did not expect myself to look for a pillow before going to bed BUT after using all these while, I will make sure the Maruka Pillow is with me!

I bid goodbye to the pillow-less days and welcome more good night sleeps with Active Hive Makura Health and Neck Support Pillow!

Here are the Key Benefits of Active Hive’s Makura Health and Neck Support Pillow:

1. Better air circulation and heat dissipation
The unique capsules inside of the pillow provide better air circulation while you are asleep, thus providing more comfort and less heat retention, contributing to a better sleep experience.

2. Pillow retains its height and does not change shape
In order for optimum support, the pillow retains its height all throughout a good night’s sleep, and does not change, thus it is at the optimal shape throughout the whole night without compromising comfort.

3. Adjustment of pillow height can be done by adding / removing the capsules
Inside each pillow, there is a certain number of capsules provided. However, not everyone’s natural physique is the same, thus the amount of capsules inserted can be removed in order to suit your most comfortable neck and head position.  Don't be little these capsules ! You have to try the pillow to have the feel of it. I like the firmness it gave.

4. Uninterrupted, deep quality sleep as neck is aligned in its optimum angle
The pillow is shaped uniquely such that the neck and head are properly positioned. This leads to deep quality sleep providing proper rest that is uninterrupted.  In the case of uncomfortable pillows that do not provide proper posture, one may tend to have trouble finding the right sleeping position and have interrupted sleep, which leads to not feeling well-rested the following day.

I have to totally agree with point no. 4. The agony of having interrupted sleep even so when I am sleeping without pillows, I tend to "look" for a comfortable position a few times during my sleep.

5.  Hygienic and allergy-safe
The pillow is 100% allergy-safe without any harm or risks to those with sensitive skin or dust allergies as the capsules are machine-washable, thus ensuring safe use for all. (Place pillow in washing net and place in wash machine to wash and spin dry, leave it to air or sun dry.  DO NOT use a dryer.) 

Sounds perfect for my forever highly sensitive nose !

6. Relieves and gets rid of neck and shoulder pain
By adapting to the right sleeping position every night, the neck and shoulder aches caused by poor posture throughout the day becomes alleviated, and corrects posture problems.  Without aches and pains, those who have been suffering from poor posture are able to correct their posture even while awake, leading to more comfort in everyday activities.

7. Wake up more alert and well-rested
By having the right posture and achieving uninterrupted sleep, it directly benefits one’s energy levels and attention.  Over time, the energy that you gain from sleeping in an optimal position enables you to achieve more in daily life.

By adopting a healthier sleep posture which helps to alleviate pain, bodily processes are maximised and contributes to the body functioning at its optimum.  This contributes to not only overall health but also increases the body’s fat burning abilities while asleep, leading to better energy upon waking up in the morning.  When feeling less lethargic, one is less prone to relying on high sugar snacks for breakfast. For your information, when we sleep, our brains are detoxing as well. So imagine how poor quality sleep can affect us the next day !

The best part of it is, you can place the whole pillow into the washing machine and wash ! Just be sure to place it in a washing net.

I have to call it the "Magic Pillow"! It's my best companion for a good night sleep ! If you always have morning headaches, stiff necks or knots in the neck, get it fixed soon! Makura Health and Neck Support Pillow retails at $188. You can walk in to Active Hive or purchase it online at :

- Receive a 30% off for your purchase by entering "Serene30" upon checking out.(Promo code is valid till 30th June 2016)
- Receive a complimentary Minus Calories workout worth $103 with each purchase

For more information and updates, do visit :
Facebook : Active Hive Lifestyle and Wellness Hub
Instagram : Active Hive Sg

Thank you for reading and if you would like to stay tune for future updates, do follow me on Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram !

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored review, no monetary compensation is involved. What works for me may not work for you and vice versa but all opinions are strictly of my own.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

[Review] Madagascar Live - Mastercard Theatres @ Marina Bay Sands

In 2011, Xav watched his first musical "The Lion King" at Marina Bay Sands Master Theatre when he was 3. I remembered fondly that he was such a great boy to sit through the entire musical and got so emotionally affected when King Muffasa passed away that he cried and told us "no, he did not want that to happen."

Personally, I love how such family entertainment shows were being brilliantly recreated from the screen into a stage production of lively storytelling, dance and music!

In 2016, Vera watched her first musical "Madagascar Live" ! She loves animals and what a great way to introduce to her through this wild and action packed adventure as Alex the lion, Melman the giraffe, Marty the zebra, Skipper the penguin, Gloria the hippo and the plotting penguins as they escaped from their home at New York's Central Park Zoo and find themselves on an exciting unexpected journey to the mapcap world of King Julien's Madagascar.

The cast will only be in Singapore from 21 to 24 April 2016 and we were thankful to be invited for a meet and greet session with the cast. When I told Xav about the meet and greet, he started dancing and singing "Move it,  move it" in excitement !

Unlike the mascots which we saw on Royal Carribean Cruise, Vera might think that they were giant penguins.

During the meet and greet, the nicely painted faces of the performers were shown. I believed she knew the difference and she chose to go to Marty the Zebra during photo taking but through her body language, she seemed to be telling me as she wondered why would a zebra be able to walk like a human?

I love the performers' make up, especially Marty's ! Just for your information, the performers' make up, needed one hour to be done prior to the start of the show ! Imagine the amount of effort needed to make the casts looked as fabulous and as close as what you have seen on screen?!

The best of friends !

With the casts

We caught the morning session on Saturday and it's always nice to see our friends in the same theatre !

Xav and his april buddy

I loved how the backdrop changes with the different scenes with the use of the projector.  Some of the scenes that amused the kids when they saw the penguins trying to stimulate a snowing scene in the globe and there was another part of the scene where the penguins broke free and ran amongst the audience who were seated right in front. I could see that the audience got pretty entertained by them!

The plotting penguins

Another scene was when the stage was turned into Grand Central Station, with a moving train and doors with the animals hopping on and off ! You bet that scene totally captured Vera's full attention. It could not be any better with her favourite train and animals on it. I loved it too ! Apologies, no pictures on this as I was trying to contain the highly excited Vera on my lap.

The first part of the show was generally engaging as Vera managed to sit in her seat with all the songs and dances. Nearing to the end of the first half, Vera began to lose her concentration and preferred to keep her mouth busy by munching on the cup of popcorns! Yes, you can purchase some snacks to accompany you through the show. Pretty good idea to keep Vera to her seat !

Photo credit : Base Entertainment Asia

Xav was laughing so loudly when King Julien sang a lullaby to Alex the Lion ! This part here simply tickled him until I have to hush him up.

Photo credit : Base Entertainment Asia

Highlight of the whole show has got to be the last part when the casts roped in the audience to get on their feet and "Move it, Move it" ! I did not record any part of the show as it was usually not allowed but I recorded down how both Xav and Vera broke free and "Move it, Move it" along with them ! I could tell that the audience was much more lively when the songs and

All in all, despite the fact that the show used pre-recorded audio and lip-synced for most parts. Probably for me, I generally find it pretty alright and did not find it disturbing at all . Of course being able to hear the performers sing live would be a bonus. As for the kids, I believed that they would not have even noticed it and Xav enjoyed the whole show tremendously and did not find it boring at all. Coming from my 8 year old, he told me that the show was awesome !

Photo credit to Irene

Right after the show, we joined in the queue to have a picture taken with Gloria the hippo and one of the penguins.

Today is the last day of Madagascar Live ! The remaining three sessions will be at 11am, 2.30pm & 6pm respectively. The duration is about 101 minutes (including 20 minutes interval). Move it, Move it your way if you have nothing planned for tomorrow and before they "Move it, Move it out of Singapore !
Venue: Grand Theatre, MasterCard Theatres at Marina Bay Sands

Ticketing pricing (excluding $4 booking fee):
VIP Reserve : S$130 
A Reserve : S$100 
B Reserve : S$80 
C Reserve : S$60 
D Reserve : S$40 
VIP Box (For 4 seats): S$520 
Box Seats(For 4 seats): S$240 

Series Pass Saver 25% off standard tickets with Series Pass Saver Save 25% when you buy tickets to more than one Base Entertainment family show. Saving is available for selected shows via Series Saver.

Book Your Tickets online at or at SISTIC
Hotline : +65 6348 5555
Walk in to Marina Bay Sands Box Offices: Museum, Theatres, SkyPark, Retail malls and Hotel Tower 1 Lobby

Madagascar Live! is produced by Istanbul Entertainment Group (IEG) and DreamWorks Theatricals, and presented by BASE Entertainment Asia.

Disclaimer : Thank you Marina Bay Sands Entertainment , DreamWorks Theatricals and Base Entertainment Asia for sending us your love. This is a media invitation for Meet and Greet and review purpose only. No monetary compensation is involved and all opinions are of my own.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Our story to the kids - "How I Met Your Father"

Recently, some of you would have read about the famous "Cardboard Police", Ryan getting hitched with his other half from the force on the social media feed ? I was teasing Don that I married a "poster boy" too. Back then at my former Divisional HQ, there was a huge banner stand with an image of him, displayed right at the ground floor where some exhibits were on displayed.

It was during the "Friendster" era where all our pictures were loaded there and now that it's gone. I shall go to my hard disk when I am available to check if the pictures were saved. I managed to find the one and only picture of us taken in 2006 when we were testing out a camera during a roadshow.

Nope the kids have yet to ask how I met their father, I guess Xav would have guess it right. So here I am, hopping on the blog train hosted by The Chill Mom, Michelle.

The Chill Mom

Especially for Xav and Vera, this is the story of "How I met your father" :
For the first time, I met him in my service,
For the first time, I met him in blue.
For the first time, I found him really approachable,
For the first time, I found him really warm and non pretentious.
For the first time, we were colleagues in the same division.
For the first time, I could not fathom why,
he told me to address him as "Uncle Don".

For that first three years, we were nothing more than colleagues,
For that first three years, we led our own lives,
For that once in a blue moon, we would call on each other via sms to see if everything's fine.

Three years later, we bumped into each other and exchanged a hi-bye.
Some time shortly, he sent me a sms asking how was I ?
I replied to him that everything's fine.
I casually asked if he was married (Assuming uncle would have settled down after three years),
I was told to get him a partner before he could do so.

It was this time we knew that we found out that we were both back to singlehood.
It was this time, we became friends.
It was on one of the dinner dates we went back and couldn't fall asleep.
It was the first (and the last time) we went over night prawning.
It was the first time, I got a gift from him (A huge cola glass bottle because he knew that I was hunting all around for it.)
It was the uncertainty that was there and kept us hanging neither here or there.

It was then he told me he was going for a trip,
It was that period that seemed to be a test?
It was those few days he left me felt like having something to look forward to,
with that string of SMS.
It was an unknown force that pulled me to the airport,
It was shortly thereafter, through a SMS yet again, we decided to get together.

It was a short 1.5 years of dating,
It was a casual chat on marriage.
It was a mutual agreement and we could not even remember when,
we decided to just stay together. (He actually got away with a formal proposal =P)

Till date we still keep and honour our vows to each other, it has been a lovely journey of 9 years (coming this July). I thank your daddy for all his love !

At the next stop of this blog train, we will be visiting Danessa Foo at PrayerFull Mum.

"A lot of friends and relatives were curious about our love story when we told them about our life partners. Even Yasmin is curious... want to know why? Read on to find out as we retold our love story to my 5-year old, "Baby, This Was How I Met Your Father"."

Thank you for reading and if you would like to stay tune for future updates, do follow me on Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram !

Monday, April 18, 2016

Captain K - Seafood in Tiers

If you are a seafood lover, you might want to check out Captain K. Located opposite SOTA, along Prinsep Street.  You can find Captain K right beside Cheers.

Price list for the different tiers

On the wall, you will see some doodling on which sauce to go with for the different type of seafood. 

Don got me the Tangy Yuzu Doenjang Dip. But to experience and taste the freshness of the seafood, it is the best to eat it on it's own without any sauce.

 Kimchi as appetizer before food was served.

Our lunch was served in tiers !

The prawns were succulent, fresh and sweet ! I tried both with and without sauce. I prefer to eat it on it's own.

1st tier
2nd tier

Tanghoon and scallop on a shell. A pretty good idea to serve when our friends come over for a meal.

Another type of shrimp ? It's shell is similar to that of crayfish.

3rd tier

Xav whacked this tray of clams and mussels ! Usually, I don't take mussels but this does not have any stale smell and tasted fresh and sweet. I had a few helpings.

4th tier

We were told it was Sri Lanka crabs hence, we ordered 600g to add on but the size of it was disappointing. But the meat was firm and sweet !

5th tier

One of the popular add-ons to order, stuffed squid. I am still afraid of those tentacles and really dislike the chewy texture of the squid. The rice was pretty nice but a little spicy though.

We ordered Ginseng Chicken soup base but feel free to ask for refill. It was rich in flavour and the shiokness when we drank it piping hot ! Kimchi soup base was another popular choice. You can also order those colour plates available in the fridge to add on and eat it like steamboat style.

Soup base add-on

Our damage for the whole lunch was around $250 inclusive of gst and service charge. If you ask me, I felt that it's good if you can come and experience once. Overall, food was nice and fresh, service of the staff was great too but it's pretty damaging on the pocket if you intend to eat this often. It's not really wallet friendly.

Should you decide to make your way down, do give them a call to make a reservation before hand :

Website :
Facebook :

Operating hours from Monday to Sunday:
11am- 3pm , 5.30pm to 10pm

Captain K is located at:
30 Prinsep Street
Singapore 188647
(Beside Rendezvous Hotel)

Thank you for reading and if you would like to stay tune for future updates, do follow me on Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram !

Sunday, April 17, 2016

“Strong Inside To Experience More Together” with Friso

To promote emotional wellness and inner strength in children, Friso is continuing with its efforts to encourage parents to bond with their children through fun experiences. Friso Gold 2,3 and 4 also comes with enhanced LockNutri Technology which protects the protein in our Friso products from overheating and becoming damaged during the production process. Nutrients in their natural state facilitate absorption. Provide your little ones with gentle nutrition, so they can be #StrongInside. You can read more about LockNutri Teachnology on the website.

Here's a chance to drive away in a Friso Powered Ride-on car (worth $369), available in Red or BlueThe powered ride-on car :
- is suitable for children up to 30 kg.
- weighs 12 kg.
- adult assembly required.
- Remote control available  (Definitely thoughtful for parents with younger toddlers who do not know how to control the car yet and their backs can be spared from the bending over to help manoeuvre the car. The older siblings be more than happy to practise their remote control skills.)
- power way: charging type
- battery needs to be charged for 4-6 hours but not more than 10 hours.

So why not kill two birds in one stone if your little one is taking Friso and am sure these ride-ons are always a favourite with kids. This deal is definitely not to be missed !  
Click on the picture to enlarge the picture

Here's our choice, we chose Vera's favourite colour, red ! I caught her "relaxing" in this manner  while listening to the built-in song from the car. Of course I would have to quickly capture this shot!

From April 1 to 31 May 2016, redemption can be made when you spend $380 on Friso products* at the following places:
- Friso Online

*If you are purchasing from Friso Online, do note that you would only be able to redeem one Friso Powered Ride On Car per transaction due to the limitation of the system. If you want to redeem two units, you would have to separate the transaction into 2. However, if you are purchasing from the participating retailers as shown below:
- FairPrice
- Cold Storage
- Market Place
- Giant
- Seng Siong
- Prime Supermarket
- Mustafa
- Guardian

For more information on redemption, please refer to:

There is no limit to the number of Friso Powered Ride On Cars you can redeem per transaction. Combining of receipts from all participating retailers except Friso Online is allowed. All receipts must be dated from 1st April to 31st May, 2016.

*Friso products included in this promotion are Frisomum, Friso Gold Cereal and Friso Gold 2, 3, and 4. (Not included for infant formula for babies aged 0-6 months. )

There is another promotion of a complimentary outdoor photoshoot (worth $120) with your first purchase on Friso Online by Firefly Photography.

Redemption period for Friso Powered Ride On Car is from 7 June to 31 July 2016 with the original receipts and completed entry form at:

Global Opus Solutions Redemption Centre
Blk 265 Serangoon Central Drive
Singapore 550265

Operating Hours: Tues-Sat, 11am-1pm, 2pm-6pm. (Closed on public holidays.)

*This promotion is valid while stocks last. To avoid disappointment, do give a call to the Global Opus Redemption Centre at 6282- 1555 to find out if the redemption is available, before heading down.

Should you be facing any issues with the Friso powered ride-on cars, you can call up Prestige Premiums Pte Ltd : 68585086  (10 am- 5 pm )

For more updates and promotions, follow them on :
Friso Singapore on Facebook
Friso Singapore on Instagram

The best way for a child to learn is through experience. Don't be afraid to let your little ones fail--it not only builds inner strength, but success is sweeter when it comes with effort! ~ Friso Sg

Thank you for reading and if you would like to stay tune for future updates, do follow me on Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram !

Friday, April 15, 2016

My own version of Stir Fried Prawns with Dark Sauce - 干煎虾碌

An accidental trial turns out pretty well ! I tried to buy the premix marinade for cooking "Stir fried prawns with dark sauce" - 干煎虾碌 but it seems to be out of stock for quite some time.

I decided to try cooking Marmite prawns instead and bought a bottle of Marmite. I tasted and I would think that the two kids may not like the "bitter" aftertaste.

Hence, I mixed in :
some sweet sauce,
some oyster sauce,
some dark sauce,
some sugar

I do not have the exact measurement but went by estimation as I tried to get my preferred taste along the way.

Method :
1. Cut a slit on the back of the prawns with shells intact ,remove the dirt, sprinkle and rub with some salt and pepper.
2. Prepare a small plate of minced garlic.
3. Add some oil and stir fry the garlic to golden brown.
4. Add in the prawns
5. Add a little water to the mixture u have, pour over the prawns and let it simmer for.
6. Add in some sugar so that it crystallize the gravy.
7. Serve with some parsley if you want a better presentation and serve.

Verdict : It did not turn out as Marmite prawns but close to the taste of stir fried prawns in dark sauce. Don told me that it was nice in it's own way but tasted slightly saltish. So probably, I will try again without oyster sauce the next round.

Thank you for reading and if you would like to stay tune for future updates, do follow me on Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram !

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Park City & Mona Farm, Utah

We set off early morning from Midway to head back to Las Vegas. I was keeping my fingers really crossed that we could locate Young Living's Mona Farm. I wanted to include this stop very badly as part of an unusual educational tour for Xav.

I opted to go to Mona Farm on our own since we had our own transport and had also planned to drive back after the farm tour and return to Las Vegas by the evening. Along the way, we spotted breath-taking view of lakes, mountains,

the cliff walls and that was how far and clear Canon Power Shot SX530 HS could zoom in.

 different formation of the rocks

Though it was tiring, Don was totally enjoying his scenic drive. We chanced upon this beautiful spot and alighted to take some photos. Anywhere, any angle, the scenery was breath-taking and awesome !

Loved how the cotton-like clouds stretched across the blue backdrop.

Bid goodbye to this beautiful place ! We really hope to plan a trip back here again !

As we drove on, I thought we had missed the exit because despite having drove past the signage but the exit was nowhere to be seen. But my heart screamed in excitement when I spotted the plots of lavender fields ! Mona farm must be nearby !

Finally, we made it to Young Living's Mona Farm!

"I had a wish and hope it will come true ......" , yes it did for 2015 ! I visited Mona Farm and Young Living Headquarters (Lehi) in 2014 with the group of Young Living family from Singapore and Malaysia.

Mona Farm, Utah 2014

I told myself it will be great if my wish comes true, I would love to bring Xav to tour the distillery and a different kind of educational tour for him because I don't think we can find any essential oil distilleries in Singapore !

My hard work paid off, I made it to Silver rank and qualified for the #SilverRetreat2015. This time, I brought my family along! It was an eye-opener for Xav and he got a clearer picture of how the oils which he had been using, were being distilled. I hope this tour had been an eye-opening one for him.

The following procedure is being carried out when comes to distilling essential oils (What was on the board) :
- Before harvesting, Young Living experts test a plant's PH levels to ensure each crop is gathered at the exact right time.
- Once harvested and dried, plants are placed and compressed in the cookers.
- Purified steam then rises through the plants, releasing the essential oils into the vapour.
- Long tubes extending from the top of the cookers allow the vapour to condense back into oil-infused water.
- This water containing essential oils, collects into glass separating chambers where the essential oil floats upward.
- Once separated from the water, the oil sits undisturbed to allow any solids to settle.
- The oil is then filtered, poured into large, glass-lined containers, and shipped to Young Living's facilities in Spanish Fork.

Did you know that each cooker can contain up to 10,000 litres of plant material, which will yield 4-5 gallons of essential oil. It takes approximately 3/4 acre of crop to fill one cooker.

My reason for choosing Young Living is simply because of Young Living's promise to families - The Seed to Seal Quality Commitment and their sense of global stewardship. Read more about it here.

Beginning on the Seed-to-Seal Process

The dried plants are placed and compressed in the cookers.

Long tubes extending from the top of the cookers allow the vapour to condense back into oil-infused water.

The water containing essential oil, was collected into glass separating chambers where the essential oil floated upwards. The oils would then be sent to Young Living's internal lab as well as third party facilities to be tested and made sure that they meet the stringent specifications, exceeded international standards and contain the optimal levels of natural bioactive compounds.

The Seed to Seal process will be completed in Young Living's 107,000 square foot facility in Spanish Fork, Utah. Using state-of-the-art equipment, each essential oil is carefully bottled into protective amber glass bottles, before shipping out to members worldwide.

And what a surprise we had at the distillery, it was really a "STAR-STRUCK" moment! I had the opportunity to introduce Gary Young and the new CEO of Young Living, Mary Young to Xav and had a picture taken with them. Proudly, he went back and told his daddy excitedly that he got to meet Gary, the amazing man behind the awesome Young Living Essential Oils !

We made a quick tour around the rest of the farm via the wagon ride pulled by the handsome horses.

Do you know that there are Young Living owns 12 farms of their own around the globe ?

- YL Whispering Springs Farm (Mona, Utah, United States)
Nearly 1,600 acres, Mona, Utah Farm is home to the largest privately owned essential oil distillery in the world. Many plants are being harvested for both members and botanical research uses.

Types of plants : Lavender, Hyssop, Clary Sage, Peppermint, Golden-rod, German Chamomile etc.

- YL Highland Flats Tree Farm (Highland Flats, Idaho, United States)
The annual winter harvest is usually hosted at Highland Flats and allow members can join in the harvesting of plants like Balsam Fir. Members may also participate in the farm's annual spring reforestation sustainability project to replace the harvested trees.

Types of plants: Balsam Fir, Western Red Cedar, Pine and Idaho Blue Spruce

- YL St. Maries Farm (St. Maries, Idaho, United States)
In 1992, Young Living Founder, D. Gary Young purchased 200 acres of pristine farmland that had never been cultivated or subjected to chemicals, pesticides, or fertilizers of any kind. The pure soil makes St. Maries an ideal location for growing lavender, Melissa and Tansy.

Types of plants : Lavender, Melissa and Tansy

- YL Northern Lights Farm (Fort Nelson, British Columbia,, Canada)
After extensive scouting and research for the best possible location, Northern Light Farm was purchased by Young Living in 2014, making it the major source of Black Spruce essential oil, an important oil in many of their popular blends.

Types of plants : Black Spruce, Ledum and more

- YL Guayaquil Farm (Guayaquil, Equador)
Since 2005, Ecuador Farm has cultivated and distilled Eucalyptus Blue, Dorado Azul, Zaragosa, Lemongrass, Rosa morta, Oregano, Ylang Ylang, Basil, and many unique botanicals. It's state-of-the-art distillery is one of the largest in South East Asia.

Types of plants : Eucalyptus Blue, Dorado Azul, Ylang Ylang, Ocotea and more.

- YL Simiane-La-Rotonde Farm (Simiane, France)
Known for the rolling hills and farms of fragrant lavender in the Provence region of France. This is the only American-owned lavender farm in the country.

Types of plants : Lavender, Lavandin, Rosemary & Clary Sage

- YL Salalah Farm (Salalah, Oman)
It's a partnership between Young Living and local Omani harvesters to obtain and secure supply of Sacred Frankincense resin. Young Living is the first and only company in the world to obtain permission to distill and export this precious essential oil and bring it to the western world.

Types of plants : Sacred Frankincense (Boswellia Sacra)

- YL Croatia Farm (Split, Croatia)
This place is home to a wide variety of aromatic plants. An ideal location for growing Helicrysum as well as many other crops that will be processed at this newest distillery. The facility will be a fully functioning distillery, as well as a manufacturing plant and distribution center.

Types of plants : Helicrysum

- YL Israel Cooperative Farm (Israel)
A 25 minute drive from Jerusalem, the Young Living Israel Cooperative Farm is where Gary Young met entrepreneur Guy Erlich,, who cultivates 8000 balm of Gilead (Commiphora gileadensis) trees. This farm is the first large scale commercial plantation site in the world for this historical aromatic treasure.

Types of plants : Balm of Gilead

- YL Taiwan Cooperative Farm (Taiwan)
This was in 2011, when Gary Young flew to Taiwan to explore it's native plants. Together with an acclaimed agriculturist, Gin S. Lee and his son, they distilled exotic Hong Kuai and Xiang Mao botanicals, which was features in the 2013 Exotic Oil Collection, as well as Jade lemon which was featured in the 2014 kit.

Types of plants : Xiang Mao, Hong Kuai and Jade Lemon

- YL Australia Partner Farm (Darwin, Australia)
This was established in 1994 and located in Australia's North Territory on the northern coast. Darwin farm is Young Living's oldest cooperative farm. They have worked closely with farm owner Vince Collins for nearly 15 years to harvest and distill the distinctive Blue Cypress essential oil.

Types of plants : Blue Cypress

- Partner / Co-op Farms ( Young Living/ Dubai and Somaliland and Cooperative Farms)
Owned by Farmer Hassan Saleh, the farm provides Young Living Crucial Boswellia  Caterii and Boswellia Frereana. at Somaliland farm, Frankincense Resin is collected and sent to Dubai Farm to be distilled. Exclusively for Young Living, the Dubai Farm has rebuilt their distillery to fully meet Young Living's Seed to Seal standards.

Types of plants : Frankincense (Boswellia  Caterii and Boswellia Frereana)

Mona Farm 

Lavender Field 

We were so reluctant to leave the farm, totally in love with the plants and beautiful flowers which surrounded us.

Goodbye Mona Farm, till the next visit. Mona Farm is open to the members of the public. If you have been a user of the oils and happens to be going to the States, do drop by the beautiful farm !

Drove past some cattle companies and spotted the cows grazing at the fields.

By the evening, hello again to the city that never sleeps.

And our stop for the night is at TRUMP Hotel.

A little further away from the bustling streets. But the room and facility was the most awesome among all the hotels we had stayed during the entire trip, minus Zermatt Spa and Resort. I shall leave it to the next post for Las Vegas.

If you have missed out on our previous posts, here are the links to bring you back :
Pre Trip Preparation : Our Travel Essentials
Day 1 - Disneyland Theme Park in Anaheim, California
Day 2 - Alcatraz Island - The Rock
Day 3 - San Francisco
Day 4 - Las Vegas (To be blog later)
Day 5 & 6 - Park City, Utah (Zermatt Resort and Spa) & Salt Lake City

Thank you for reading and if you would like to stay tune for future updates, do follow me on Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram !

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Travel Tuesday Bumble Bee Mum