Sunday, September 7, 2014

Language Power 蓝格子, 跑啊!

I am looking much forward to attend this talk hosted by 张美香 (Eeva)  when I received the invitation.

Now that Xav is much older and will be attending official school next year, all the more I would like to balance up his ability to comprehend and speak in Mandarin.

Since he was a new born, we conversed in English with him until he is about 3.5 years old before I exposed him to the second language, which is only used between the daddy and me. I further reinforce him to start conversing in Mandarin at about age 4 with me and my mum so that he will not totally reject this language.

Initially, I felt very weird as I am so not used to speak in Mandarin with him. But as we went along, things got so much better. You should have hear how my English potato spoke with a English slang when he speaks Mandarin. I have even come up with a monthly series of how to make learning Chinese more fun ! Here is my list of Chinese Fun posts.

This talk will enlighten you on how to improve your child(ren)'s Chinese, if you are still looking for ways to go about doing it.

This talk will be held at :
Venue : Resort World Theatre (Sentosa ) , next to Universal Studio
Date : 20th September 2014
Time : 3-5 pm

Tickets can be purchased from Sistic or direct from Rediffusion, hotline : 62883321  
For those of you who can read Chinese, below is what was quoted on Eeva Show Facebook Page:

现代人时间宝贵, 要把时间花在对自己最有意义, 最有益处的事情上, 即使是朋友也是一样, 不可只是捧场。
所以,我把为什么你应该来看我的演讲秀的理由列下来, 希望你看看, 9月20日我们蓝格子,跑啊! (Language Power)见!!

2。你会体会到, 你的孩子或自己是否用了最好的方式与语言相处?
3。我们会一起明白, 在新加坡学习语文真的如此痛苦吗?
4。你有机会听见自己 是如何在"运用"着自己的声音能量和语文能量。
8。新加坡的小学生最直白的心里话, 在那天会告诉你。

Disclaimer : This is a media invitation, no monetary compensation is involved.

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