Sunday, February 15, 2009

Ikan Bilis (White bait) powder

Whitebait (also known as silver fish) is rich in calcuim and is good for the development of the baby's bone and teeth.

Make sure you soak the fish in water to remove excessive salt from the fish. Do not feed babies with too much salt as it is damaging to the kidneys.

I bought the white baits from the wholesaler at Bugis. Going for $2.50 - 2.80 per 100g, depending on which store you go to. Sometimes the boss are nice enough to round off the price to the nearest dollar to give a discount. This is cheaper than the market as they are selling $3.80 for 100g.

I got to know that the baits from Japan are more costly as they are less saltish while those from Indonesia are cheaper.

1. Rinse the baits about3-4 times to wash away the salt.
2. Fry them dry, till they turn golden brown. (Oven can be used to dry the baits. Set to 180 degree and toast about 15 mins or till they turned golden brown)

3. Lastly, blend the baits into powder.

Do not belittle the powder, it makes Xavier gobbles down the worst vegetable porridge. The porridge indeed tastes different when the powder is added.

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