Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Water melon for Xavier

We tried it yesterday evening, just for Xavier to get to taste how water melon tastes like. He certainly likes it. He keet licking and asked for more. Though he he does not know how to talk, his body language told us.. hahaha... so funny.. When dear dear placed the piece of water melon into my mouth, Xavier's head moved forward and wanted to snatch and bite off the piece I'm having.

Here is a pic of the greedy Xavier..

Anyway, today, I tried stirring one teaspoon of Healthy Times Cereal into 20ml of EBM and allowed Xav to try. He was enjoying as much.. hee.. Xav still does not know how to eat from the spoon, infact he was licking the cereal off.. what a sight ! I could not help but laughed at him.

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