Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Baked Fillet with BBQ sauce

Last friday, I attended my department bbq event. Was quite surprised with some of the food prepared by the male colleagues ! Some made satay, some marinated fillets and my boss cooked her highly sought after by all - curry chicken !

Got to know the recipe for the fillets, so I went back to try.

Ingredients used for marination are as follow :

1. orange juice
2. apple vinegar
3. lemon juice
4. a dash of salt

Instead of BBQ-ing it, I tried to bake it. Afterwich, I spread some bbq sauce on both sides of fillets and continue to bake till cooked. It could have taste better if I did not over baked it as it tends to be a little dry. But on the whole it tasted pretty good with the sauce and salad.

One of the easiest and time saving dish !

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Da:ns Festival 2011 - Footwork Twinkle Toes

It's time to groove ! Together with some friends, we registered for a hiphop dance workshop "Baby Pop" @ Esplanade. Xavier enjoyed himself to the max! It was a great opportunity to bond with him but unfortunately, at the beginning of the class, I actually injured my lower back nerves and have to lie down with an ice pack to relieve the intense pain. But I realised, for the first time, Xav did not mind that I am not with him and was happily grooving to the music with his other friends !

Here's the fun loving instructors !

I asked Xavier at the end of the workshop if he loved the class, he replied YES !

I have checked with them that currently they dont have a class for 3 year old kids. But should we are able to form a group to start a class, we can email them. So should if any of you are interested, can drop me a mail ya ! We can form our own private class !

To call it a day, we went to lunch at Thai Express. And the little boy got his once in a while treat ! Lollipop ! It's a lollipop day !